K. Hergan, O. Sommer

The technical innovations of recent years have significantly expanded the possibilities of cardiovascular imaging with CT and MRI. With its focus on the heart, this publication offers a concise overview of the current state of the art. Practical proximity and applicability are in the foreground. The use of methods in day-to-day clinical practice is comprehensively presented in accordance with the current guidelines, so that the book will be indispensable for employees and those interested in the fields that conduct cardiac CT and cardiac MRI in the diagnostic repertoire. Recent developments and topics are included in the text and in the illustrations.
This publication includes:- 8 chapters
- 308 pages
- over 1200 images
- 100 illustrations
- numerous exercise cases
Editors: Klaus Hergan, Oliver Sommer
1st German edition
Publication date: February 2019
- Hardcover edition, German
- 308 pages
- Size: 21.4 × 30.2 × 3 cm
- ISBN: 978-3-902933-78-2
- DOI: 10.30415/9783902933782
- Price: € 159.00
(VAT included, shipping excluded) - Buy
- Anatomie und Herzebenen
- Erkrankungen der Herzkranzarterien
- Erkrankungen des Myokards
- Erkrankungen der Klappen
- Erkrankungen der herznahen großen Arterien
- Herztumoren und tumorsimulierende Strukturen
- Kongenitale Herzerkrankungen
- Technische Grundlagen und Indikationen
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